Friday, September 7, 2012

The Amazing Adventures of... Holmes and some Vampires? - repost

Originally Posted: September 29, 2011

Today I watched the final/third episode of Sherlock -- yes, I'm way behind, but tongue0020 Free Emoticons   Sticking Out Tongue. Long story short, I loved it. I also spent a good ten seconds... or however long the fight scene in the observatory place was... going "Who's the voice belong to? I know this voice from Doctor Who. Who is that? Oh! Peter Davison!" I then promptly got laughed at by my best friend (H-chan).However, I got my revenge for this when she suddenly went "Oh! That's the gay guy!" A good halfway through the Moriarty scene.

I also watched today's episode of The Vampire Diaries. Here's my reaction: Honestly, Stefan? Angel did the whole "brooding over the shit I've done" MUCH better than you. Also, didn't take him that long to get over a couple months worth of evil Angelus did. Although... now that I think of it, Stefan doesn't have an alternate personality to blame shit on. But still... It's kind of Angel/Buffy all over again. The whole Caroline thing... Good to know they don't automatically die from sun exposure. This may be old news to other VD fans, but I managed to miss a good couple of seasons so tongue0020 Free Emoticons   Sticking Out Tongue again.

That's pretty much it for me today, gonna see about watching The Big Bang Theory tomorrow and maybe being able to review that... maybe.

Lova ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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