Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Review

You ever have those nights where you lay down to sleep but your brain just will not shut up? Yeah... that was pretty much how I was last night. I decided, instead of continuing to try and sleep, I'd write you a list of what my brain was up to. (Wonderful plan, I know.)

  • Call Me Maybe stuck in my head
  • Oswin says "Remember" at the end of Asylum of the Daleks, not "Remember Me."
  • Maybe I should go get my iPod and listen to a Podcast.
  • I'm too lazy to get my ass out of bed.
  • The Doctor Lies. And there was lots of lying in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
  • Did Teddy actually manage to kill Penny?
Yeah... that was my head last night. However right now, I'd like to give you my initial reactions and review of Dinosaurs on a Spaceship! THERE ARE SPOILERS.

Initial Reactions

  • He’s just getting into all sorts of trouble with “You’ve just saved my life” – women
  • So… does Nefertiti count as a Companion now?
  • Let’s collect people to hang out with… again.
  • Let’s kidnap another parent!
  • Doctor, you’re ridiculous…
  • Rory left to explain again…
  • “Never Really Had A Gang Before. It’s New.” – Doctor BS
  • Still don’t like the opening… The rock-like font is nice, though.
  • Yes, a knife is going to hurt an Ankylosaur... which managed to NOT hit the TARDIS.
  • And he WOULD have a Christmas List.
  • Nefertiti is NOT impressed.
  • Liar, liar, Amy Pond.
  • Like they killed the teleport immediately.
  • Robots!
  • Silurians!!!!!! That was unexpected…
  • Robots with personality…
  • Dawww… the Doctor’s so cute with the Triceratops. ^_^ Poor Rory’s Dad…
  • He’s not that kind of Doctor… geez people, get with it! Get Rory in there, he’s a nurse.
  • The Triceratops fetches better than my dog.
  • Poor Rory, getting kissed.
  • And this is the part where he’s brilliant…
  • Rory and Bryan, awesomeness.
  • Those tranqs don’t work very well…
  • I would definitely classify that one as a murder, Doctor.


     Hmm... where to start, where to start... Bryan Williams. How cute is he? For someone who was kidnapped by the Doctor, I think he coped well. Shock at sometimes, acceptance of others, possibly ignoring uncomfortable stuff, Wilf-like glee at piloting a spaceship... He amused me and made me forget he was played by the guy who played Arthur Weasley.
    Next, random crowded TARDIS/TARDIS crew! Quite liked the sexist Game Hunter and how "Neffi" handled herself. Amy was back to being brilliant Companion, especially when on her own with Nefertiti and Hunter-Guy. Rory was absolutely the right mix between bad-ass and bumbling. He helped sell me on the Williams-family thing. The robots amused me a little. They were like snarky Marvin the Paranoid Androids... almost. And... the Bounty Hunter... Another actor from the Harry Potter franchise, I was predisposed to hate him because he played Filch. However, he was just kind of... meh. Glad he's dead, hope we don't meet him again.
     Speaking of which, The Doctor... TOTALLY MURDERED SOMEONE! Like, that was deliberate and on-screen "I'm just gonna let you die now. Bye." Seriously? Seriously? Mmm... yeah, I see how you are, Doctor, and I'm not sure I like it. Still love you, though. love0048 Free Emoticons   Love
     I thought the special effects were awesome. The dinosaurs were especially brilliant. I was sucking in breath when the Raptors showed up in the end. Altogether, awesome episode. I was incredibly happy and excited at the end although I'm not sure how much I buy Nefertiti going off with Mr. Game Hunter...

That's it from me for today. Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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