Friday, September 7, 2012

Night Terrors of Torchwood: Miracle Day - repost

Originally Posted: September 3, 2011

So I've spent the last few days typing up my writing from the last year... it's got me in a bit of a mood. I'm not sure what the mood is, but there you are.


Torchwood: Miracle Day
     So basically, The Blessing is a big chasm in the middle of the planet that had random bit falling into it... sideways? That's just... huh. Wasn't expecting that.
     Back to the beginning, then. I very much enjoyed Gwen pilfering meds for a good cause. Love that Rhys figured things out before everyone else. Loved Gwen's reaction to Oswald Danes showing up in her house. Thought it was Jack to begin with, so that was a bit surprising. I am still confused as to how exactly Jack and Ester got to Scotland, but I'm not too worried about it. Retconning the watcher guy from Phicorp or the government was awesome. Again, not expecting Jack to show up at that point. Also, the revelation that family-girl from the CIA is a lesbian, cool, but at the same time, I want rid of her. fighting0004 Free Emoticons   Fighting
     Summary Time! Aren't you excited? I very much enjoyed this episode and I'm glad we finally got to see what The Big Bad is, even if we don't have a clue as to what it is exactly.

Doctor Who: Night Terrors scared0015 Free Scared Emoticons
     I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this episode. I think Amy and Rory should have twigged earlier that they were in a dollhouse. I knew right off when Amy picked up the pan and figured out it was wood. Where do you find wooden cooking ware? A dollhouse. Duh. The kid being an alien, saw that coming a mile away. When the landlord guy turned into a doll, I thought for a second it was Rory's hand and he was having Auton flashbacks. Would have been kinda funny. And hey, it was finally Amy's turn to sort of die. Glad it wasn't Rory... again. Oh! I loved his reaction to them ending up in the dollhouse. "We're dead, aren't we? Again." happy0194 Free Emoticons   Happy

So that's me done for today. Love ya, Jessie love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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