So I've randomly had the hankering lately for fanfiction. I'd pretty much stopped reading fanfiction within the last few years with the exception of some Buffy stuff. I've also pretty much stopped writing my own fanfiction due to a combination of writers block and general lack of interest. Anyway...
I decided to dive back into reading fanfiction at least. I've been searching through the Harry Potter section of for some good Drarry (Draco/Harry pairing) stories. So far I've come across one I really like. It's called "The Simplicity of Us" by DevientGrey.
"The Simplicity of Us" involves a sort of time-travel. I'd elaborate, but that would give away the general plot and so forth of the story. It's also filled with fluff, which isn't really my normal fare, but there are obviously exceptions. I wouldn't reccommend this story for kids, in fact, it's rated M so... yeah. Most of it's pretty okay, but if homosexual-ness offends you, I'd not read this at all.
But yeah, that's all I've got for today. Love ya, Jessie.

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