Friday, September 7, 2012

Love and Monsters - repost

Originally Posted: August 31, 2011

I spent today being in pain and painting ducks... and watching a bit of Doctor Who.

Love and Monsters
     Now, I used to like this episode of Doctor Who. I'm not sure what exactly made me dislike it, but I now dislike this episode. It may have had something to do with listening to quite a few podcasts that did not like Love and Monsters... but meh.
     I honestly was quite annoyed with watching Love and Monsters this time around. I've never liked the Absobaloff, it was rubbish. And Elton... there was someone who came up with a theory about how he was actually kind of addled, I'm not sure who, but I spent the entire episode thinking how annoying he was. I also don't think that The Doctor really would have had someone live as a block of cement. Nope, not happening. mad0037 Free Emoticons   Anger

So there's my view on that. You will be able to see my painting of ducks on my DeviantArt page... later. I'm not uploading it now. Might do tomorrow... maybe.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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