Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trial and Error Down the Rabbit Hole

Again, I'm tired. This is just a normal thing for me, which is annoying. But I've got those reviews done finally. A SPOILER WARNING goes without saying almost... if you haven't seen last week's episodes of Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries, please go away and come back later. Sorry for the delay. Oh, also minor SPOILER for this week's TVD, though it is in the trailer so... I don't technically count that as a SPOILER, but some people do. Also, minor SPOILERS for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Ya know, if you care.

Supernatural - "Trial and Error" - Review

I pretty much called the big parts of the episode before it really got going. Namely: The stable girl was the one who made the deal and Sam would be killing the Hell Hound. Both were super obvious.

Kevin. Kevin sort of reminds me of Buffy Summers in that they're both rather desperate to go back to living a normal life. That said, I'm not happy with Dean pushing Kevin to finish with the tablet a.s.a.p. The fact that Kevin's listening to Dean instead of Sam makes the entire situation worse. He's going to end up killing himself, I can feel it.

I also have a problem with Dean just up and deciding Sam's future is more important than his. It bugs me, but I'm not exactly sure why. Now that Sam and Dean know where each other stands, we hopefully won't have to touch on it again. Hopefully. Rehashing their views over and over is getting old.

Overall, this episode had a predictable plot with beasties we already know everything about. While it was kind of fun seeing the Hell Hounds, I wasn't impressed by them at all. Other than that, I don't really have much to say about the episode.

The Vampire Diaries - "Down the Rabbit Hole." - Review

I must apologize in advance if I mix stuff from this episode up with stuff from last episode. They bleed together in my head... sort of.

So, Elena's finally decided she's going to have to be okay with being a vampire. I had thought we'd been over that. Gah! Whatever, I'm done with Elena... and apparently next week, she's going crazy. Joy.

Klaus and Caroline have another talk about how they're so similar... except not. Klaus doesn't get it. He has no compassion and that's why Caroline will never get with him. He can go ahead and lover her all he wants, she's not having any of it. Klaus also doesn't understand the concept of mental hurt. He says he'll never hurt Caroline, but that's exactly what he's doing/has done.

I found Damon and the new Hunter together entertaining. Though it did bring up this thing I have about people listening to other people. If you just assume everyone's lying, you'll get them nice and pissed at you. If someone tells you something, take it as the truth. The Hunter believes Damon is lying despite Damon insisting he's telling the truth. This bugs me. A lot. And it's a thing that's done in a lot of fiction, I've noticed.

I thought the whole Bonnie and Jeremy stuff was... meh. It was there, it got them to Silas. Joy. I'm slightly disappointed that Katherine showed up. I was so looking forward to Elena having to fight some manifestation of herself... or something. Kind of like Buffy seeing The First manifesting as herself in Season 7 of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Which reminds me, Silas' power really reminds me of The First.

But yeah... that was a fun episode. I'm glad one of the core group has died... again. I hope Jeremy stays dead this time. I got tired of him sometime in second season.

As of today we've got five factions vying for the Obelisk thing:
  1. Thieves Guild
  2. The Sway
  3. Order of Red Erisim
  4. Brute Squad
  5. Seekers
The Seekers kind of remind me of Watchers and Men of Letters from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Supernatural... just sayin'.

I'm still really hoping we get to choose our faction and do something with teams. Personally, I'm with the Order of Red Erisim. I like magic. In regards to magic in fiction, I've always been of the opinion that people who understand the magic should be allowed to work without interference from people who have no idea what they're doing. So... that's why I'm with the Order.


Tomorrow is Arrow! Yay! The header for the Neopets section is a pair of links to pertinent places. And uhm... yeah... that's pretty much it for this post. Have a great day/evening/night.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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