Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Beauty and the Beast - Movie Review

Just gonna go ahead and start this off with a SPOILER WARNING even though I think that a) it goes without saying for anything titled "review" and b) if you have not seen Disney's Beauty and the Beast, you've been living under a rock for a decade or so.

My first memories of Disney's Beauty and the Beast are of a really late night at my aunt's apartment. It was dark, and Beauty and the Beast filled the screen with bright color. I was wearing a sweat-suit... and that's pretty much all I remember of that. I spent a good deal of my childhood absolutely enamored with this movie. I very much wanted to be Belle. I was really into books and brunette like she was. Belle was my second favorite Disney princess after Jasmine, because Jasmine had a pet tiger. I remember endlessly playing with the Belle and Beast McDonald's toys we had.

My most recent rewatch of Beauty and the Beast was spurred by one of my favorite podcasts: Professor Dave's Ark In Space (PDAIS). They did an episode entirely devoted to discussing this movie and why, even today, we're still enamored with it. It was a great episode, go look them up. They do a much better job talking about the movie than I do.

As for my rewatch, my little sister and I watched our VHS copy of the movie. It was a lot of fun discovering things we'd missed the first jillion times through and a lot of fun for me to point out some things to my sister I'd learned from listening to PDAIS. I think we spent a good chunk of the movie talking about the characters and what we thought their roles in the household were... and such nonsense. At one point we'd decided that Cogsworth was the Butler and Lumiere was the Beast's Manservant. Later I decided that Lumiere was the Butler and Cogsworth was the head of the household... or whatever. Downton Abbey might have informed this decision a little...

Over a decade on, Beauty and the Beast holds up extremely well. I enjoyed rewatching it and I can't wait till my nephew is old enough to watch it. I fully intend to show him the copy we have on VHS... assuming our VHS players still work, of course.

Now, some of you might know that there was a more recent re-release of Beauty and the Beast with an added scene/song. I have seen it. I didn't enjoy it as much. I also might have taken part of the added bit the wrong way... but I stand by not liking the movie nearly as much with the added bit in. I wish Disney would stop trying to ruin my childhood by adding stuff to their movies.


I did not watch Arrow tonight. I'm not watching Supernatural tonight. I'll attempt to watch the episodes tomorrow and get reviews up ASAP. 

If you have any interest in the current Neopets plot -- from now on referred to a Obelisk War -- tonight is your last chance to sign up to a team... I think. That's what it sounded like anyway. The War Starts Tomorrow! I'll be covering the war from the perspective of my chosen team: Order of the Red Erisim... when I have time, anyway.

Last thing, semi-related to the bit above, I changed the look of the blog. It's temporary and we'll be going back to the black and blue look after the Obelisk War is over.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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