Friday, February 15, 2013

Arrow - The Odyssey - Review

I'm tired, but I have a review for you. Just one, mind. I'm tired.

If you have not seen this week's episode of Arrow, please leave the blog and come back later. There will be SPOILERS.

Arrow - "The Odyssey" - Review

This is the flashback episode I've been waiting for. The focus is almost solely on the flashback. There's nothing else in the episode to really follow, just Olly getting periodically almost dead while Diggle and Felicity scramble to save him.

Speaking of Felicity, have I mentioned how much I like her? She's brilliant. I want her to be Olly's Oracle. She'd be a great addition to the team. I liked her repoire with Diggle. I like that she's told Olly upfront that all she wants to do if find out what happened to Walter. She also doesn't take crap from Olly, which I like. Can't wait to see how they utilize her as a new member of the team.

I had slightly less problems with the flashbacks than I usually do. This time, I was curious to see A) how the plan went wrong and B) who Fyers had hostage. I was not disappointed on either count. However, Slade stepping in to save Olly at the last minute... I did not see that coming. Part of that has to do with how ruthless I thought Slade was. Turns out, I apparently misjudged him. I did think it was interesting how Slade shoved his blade through Billy's eye, seeing as Slade in the comics and the animated Teen Titans somehow lost his eye... or something. Not sure what happened exactly, but the symbolism was nice.

As for Fyers' hostage... knew it had to be either Yao-fei's wife or child. I also knew Fyers had to have had a hostage because Yao-fei didn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd just switch sides on a whim. Add to that how present-day Olly sees Yao-fei and you get: Fyers has a hostage. Not sure how that ultimately going to play out, but I'm looking forward to it.

Last on my mental list of things to discuss is Mrs. Queen. I think it's a bad decision on Olly's part to just up and drop that line of things... we know she's got a direct line to Mr. Merlyn. We know she's in with this "Undertaking." Olly needs to know these things, which he won't get to because he's dropping that line of investigation. Yes, none of the other people he talked to held up pictures of their family, but none of those other people had them on hand. Mrs. Queen has also shown that she cares very much for her family despite being one of the bad guys. The entire thing's just frustrating.


Tomorrow evening, I have another babysitting date with my nephew... which is going to zap me of energy. Hopefully, I'll get some good quality sleep tonight and be able to review Supernatural and TVD for you guys. If not... *shrug*

Oh, if you're at all interested in Neopets... which you probably aren't, but meh... they've started a new plot thing focusing on Tyrannia. So far we've got a mysterious obelisk and the Thieves Guild doing... something... I'm kind of excited to see what develops. If nothing else, Neopets does a good job with their plot development stuff.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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