Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dodger's Best Friend With Benefits

I've pretty much been floored for most of the day by the most insane and annoying headache. Not sure what caused it, but it hurts like no one's business. Gah!

You also might have noticed that this post is devoid of TVD initial reactions. That's because I have a little time to kill earlier in the day before TVD airs. I should have initial reactions on that for you later.

Right now, I have a giant SPOILER WARNING for you. If you have not seen this week's episodes of Arrow or Supernatural, I must kindly ask you to either skip down to the Gaiaonline section or just leave and come back later. Yes, I said Gaiaonline section. There's stuff.

Arrow - "Dodger" - Review

This episode was a lot of laughs, at least from the perspective of how much I like seeing Olly and Diggle be awkward. Them on their dates was just amazingly funny. And for once, Olly didn't have to cut his date short. McKenna did that for him. How nice of her.

I really enjoyed Felicity as part of the "Green Arrow" team. Yes, I'm giving them a name. They need one for the sake of simplicity. Anyway... Felicity was just awesome. She's the tech-girl, she's acting a bit as Olly's conscience, she's being bait, she's getting bombs attached to her neck... okay, that part had me rolling my eyes. While it was quite awesome that Olly was able to take down the Dodger, I thought Felicity going after him herself in that moment was a bit... weird. Don't get me wrong, I like that the girl can take initiative, but it made her virtually useless when she shouldn't have been. And then she soldiered through it, which was good. Oh, and another thing, why did Felicity have to ditch the glasses and the geek-chic for totally Barbie-Girl-Glam? She could have at least kept the glasses. Just sayin'.

A bit more of Olly's backstory was revealed here, too. We got that guy who I totally wasn't buying essentially being left to die by Olly. I think it was a good choice on his part, but I was taken out of those moments by the beat-up-guy himself. Don't know what it was about him, but he just wasn't right. Good on Olly for leaving him behind. That might come back to bite him in the butt, but... I don't think so.

Last on my list of things to talk about: Roy Harper. I like him. I really, really do. True, I had a little brain-fart during the episode on who he was, but now that I know for sure, I'm happy. For those who don't know (or didn't read my initial reactions), Roy Harper is Green Arrow's sidekick and hero in his own right in the DC comics. He went by Speedy while being Green Arrow's sidekick, then switched to Arsenal, then apparently Red Arrow. Yeah... I don't know much more than that. Go read the Wiki. Anyway, I like that Roy's connected to Olly through Thea. I smell a romance between the pair blossoming at some point.

Let me know what you thought about this episode in the comments, pretty please. I feel all cut-off and stuff.

Supernatural - "Man's Best Friend With Benefits" - Review

Familiars in the Supernatural universe remind me a lot of Digimon. Ya know, without the digital-ness and evolution involved. I quite like how they're explained, though my question based solely on this episode is: why haven't we seen them before? None of the witches we've seen before had familiars, including the really old feuding couple. I think that's a little hinky, but meh.

My hopes for the boys not talking about who's doing the tasks were dashed against some very sharp rocks this episode. I get that Dean's worried about Sam. I get that Dean would rather being doing the tasks. I get that Sam has issues with Dean not being okay with the situation. I get it. It doesn't need to be hammered into my head over two episodes. And yes, I know, both Sam and Dean have a track record for hashing and rehashing and rehashing stuff to death. I know. It's annoying.

This episode was some nice solid filler. I liked it. I laughed. I was not emotionally invested in any of the goings on. Let me know what you thought in the comments. And yes, I'm begging for comments. Just comment already.

Gaiaonline - 221 B Mini-Event

It's 2-21-13. Kind of looks like 221B if you squint. Gaia is full of nerds. Some of those nerds like Sherlock Holmes. So we get a puzzle to solve for... something.

Personally, I'm not into puzzles. However, this one is throwing everyone for a loop. It's been up since this morning and no one has solved it yet. It's so frustrating, people are going off on ridiculous tangents based on tenuous links. This annoys me. Be that as it may, I highly encourage you to go check it out and join in the fun.

Thanks devs, you suck.

The time has come to choose your side! You have a week to decide which of the six factions you'll be joining. As a member of the Order of the Red Erisim, I must encourage you to join us. Magic should control magic. We know what we're doing.


Initial Reactions for TVD coming tonight, hopefully.

Some of the section headers contain links.

I'd really love to interact with you guys, so leave me comments. We can argue about stuff, or agree about stuff, or just gush about nerdy goodness.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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