Friday, February 22, 2013

Stand By Me - TVD - Review

First, I'd like to say that I'm sorry for not sticking a SPOILER WARNING on my initial reactions. In my defense, I feel like if something's labeled "Initial Reactions" there's an implied SPOILER WARNING there. Just sayin'.

Secondly, this is the actual SPOILER WARNING for the following review. If you have not seen last night's episode of The Vampire Diaries, please leave and come back later. There won't be any plot/event updates or a Housekeeping section this evening, so you can't skip down to those. The following review contains SPOILERS.

The Vampire Diaries - "Stand By Me" - Review

I did not enjoy this episode so much. I understand why it had to happen. I understand why things happened as they did. I understand that Elena is essentially the main character and so her reactions to things should be what we're invested in. I get it. I still didn't like how focused on Elena's grieving the episode was. It bugged me. A lot. Elena's grieving probably wouldn't have bothered me so much if she hadn't been grieving for the entire series. First for her parents, then for Jemma, then for Alaric, and finally for Jeremy. I'm tired of it. I'm glad Damon made her shut off her humanity. It should be interesting to see how she deals with that, even if they end up turning her humanity back on at the end of the episode... which is a prediction and not a spoiler.

On to a different topic now: Silas/Shane. I've expressed before how much I would like Shane to die. I'm not happy that Silas has essentially taken over Shane's form. Mind you, it's nice to see an actual supernatural being brainwashing Bonnie now. I'm still not entirely happy with how easily she's been brainwashed, but it should be interesting to see how this plays out. Oh, and I thought Silas could only make the dead appear before people... Shane's alive. Or was, when Silas was using his form to talk to Bonnie, as evidenced by Shane surprising Rebekah on the beach. Yeah, that was a little weird.

Couple of other things... Caroline's continuous calling Tyler was nice. It shows she actually leans on him for emotional support. Damon getting emotional about what Elena needs was also nice. If people weren't sold on him actually caring for her, that should have proved it to them.

I had another "vampire powers" issue this episode. Apparently, running water in the sink prevents vampires from hearing things they would otherwise normally hear with their super-hearing. I call bullshit. That was Stefan acting a bit like Elena was still human. Or something. That just had me saying "Really?" at my TV screen.

One last thing: it appears Klaus is now gone. Yay! I'm so glad we didn't have to deal with his crap with everything else going on. Though it might have been more amusing than watching Elena break down.

Anyway... next week actually looks more promising than this week. I'm looking forward to seeing Elena act like a vampire without the guilt of her human side.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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