Arrow - "An Innocent Man" - Initial Reactions
- Congrats, Diggle, you now know about Green Arrow.
- Show of trust.
- Yay for backfires.
- I cannot express how much I love this house.
- John Barrowman's gonna be in this episode? What? - based on credits I saw very briefly.
- Lil sis knows what she's talking about.
- Cute, Olly.
- Super cute. That's awesome.
- That dress is super short, Joanna. Geez.
- Voice changer? Batman voice?
- Did she take the money?
- Diggle's obviously not just gonna go away. This is a good thing.
- Lol, Diggle.
- Except that didn't go where she just said it went.
- He's pulling Batman's all over the place!
- Lol, tech girl.
- Bludhaven!!!
- Go Laurel!
- I'm not sure how I like Thea's flip-flopping personality.
- Ouch.
- Well that sucks.
- Well that's not good.
- He's gonna find Olly's hideout.
- Ouch. Geez.
- Gotta hurry, Olly.
- It's like Arkham only... not.
- Prison riots are not so much fun.
- Oh that was interesting.
- Well of course he didn't.
- What's the idea, Mr. Lance?
- Oh, Walter... that's not a good place to be.
- Crappy passwords are crappy.
- Olly's been found out! Oh noes!
- Awww...
- There he is! Mr. John Barrowman everybody!
- And he's back!
- Time for Olly to be arrested.
Queen of the Damned - Movie - Review
As I said, this was my second viewing of Queen of the Damned. The first time I saw this movie, I liked it. Now that I've seen it a second time, it drags. A lot. The plot was sacrificed to the costumes, music, and horrid special effects.
I thought Stuart Townsend was a much better Lestat than Tom Cruise. However, he doesn't have a very good voice from narration. Jessie did not come off as someone Lestat would be at all attracted to and yet they walk off into the proverbial sunset together. They had absolutely no chemistry. Also, a lot of Jessie's motivation was lost during the adaptation. I wondered why she was there at all. Certainly the movie's story could have benefited in dropping that storyline all together.
The "vampire council" seemed really tacked on. Yes, Marius had actual reason for being there but we get no explanation as to who the rest of them are. There's also next to no explanation of Maharet's ties to Jessie or her family. It was like, suddenly: family tree and this family is who you are. Well who the hell are they? I mean, I know because I read Queen of the Damned but it's not explained at all.
Overall, I think Queen of the Damned suffers from too many plot lines and not enough explanation. Stuff that could have been dropped wasn't and anything that wasn't there but was mentioned made it confusing. As much as this is extremely cliched: the book was a hell of a lot better.
I thought Stuart Townsend was a much better Lestat than Tom Cruise. However, he doesn't have a very good voice from narration. Jessie did not come off as someone Lestat would be at all attracted to and yet they walk off into the proverbial sunset together. They had absolutely no chemistry. Also, a lot of Jessie's motivation was lost during the adaptation. I wondered why she was there at all. Certainly the movie's story could have benefited in dropping that storyline all together.
The "vampire council" seemed really tacked on. Yes, Marius had actual reason for being there but we get no explanation as to who the rest of them are. There's also next to no explanation of Maharet's ties to Jessie or her family. It was like, suddenly: family tree and this family is who you are. Well who the hell are they? I mean, I know because I read Queen of the Damned but it's not explained at all.
Overall, I think Queen of the Damned suffers from too many plot lines and not enough explanation. Stuff that could have been dropped wasn't and anything that wasn't there but was mentioned made it confusing. As much as this is extremely cliched: the book was a hell of a lot better.
Tomorrow... is my birthday. I'm having a friend over so I might not get my The Vampire Diaries initial reactions up tomorrow. Anyways... have a wonderful rest of your night or whatever.