Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Extra Long Makeup Post - Reviews!

Okay so, I managed to catch up on everything today... except Beauty and the Beast. I have for you, a bevy of reviews to make up for my lack of actual content these past few days. So, we'll go in order of airing, starting with Arrow. Everything's labeled so you can just skip to the review you're looking for. SPOILERS abound so just watch out for that.

Arrow - "Lone Gunmen" - Review

I had a lot of fun watching this episode. I'm happy with the way the characters are being built up. I'm happy with the way Deadshot was portrayed. He wasn't over the top but he wasn't completely underplayed either. I'm coming to like Laurel's father more. He didn't come off as fake in this episode. Finally, I really like that Diggle now knows about Olly's "bat cave." This was another great episode of Arrow and I can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

Supernatural - "Bitten" - Review

I didn't like this episode. I know they were trying something different, but I honestly don't think it worked.

The Vampire Diaries - "Rager" - Review

     I seriously want to know what Klaus meant by "one of the five." What does it mean? Is Rebekah going to get healed? They just seemed to forget about her and all the vampires of her line. I'm thinking she's not going to be healed, but then how is she going to help April like she was trying to?
     I'm really, really angry with Stefan. He needs to let either Damon or Caroline step in with Elena. He even said as much. If he's distracted, how is that going to help her? I'm glad at least Damon's going to take the initiative on that. Caroline being Stefan's... sponser, I guess... might be interesting. She really should be helping Elena, though.
     I spent most of the episode cursing Stefan, but I did quite like this episode. Can't wait till Thursday's episode.

Grimm - "La Llorona" - Review

I know this episode was supposed to be creepy, but I didn't really find it that way. I was amused by the Munroe storyline. Serves those kids right for messing with him. Munroe's just so awesome. The main storyline was at least interesting. That there are ghosts in the Grimm universe is kind of cool. I like how they pulled that off. I like how Juliette was included in the story. I hope she doesn't freak out about the Wesen again. I mean, she'll freak out, I just hope it's not as bad as last time.

Mockingbird Lane - "Pilot" - Review

That was... interesting. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I liked it. I was a fan of The Munsters when I saw it on reruns. This was quite a good re-imagining and quite funny, too. I loved it. The special effects were awesome and I quite liked the prosthetics they did. Grandpa in his beastial form was... strange. Giant bat-creatures are not meant to be shiny nor flesh-colored. The Mockingbird Lane Pilot was definitely worth the watch. If you've got some spare time or need some cheering up, give it a watch.

Once Upon a Time - "The Doctor" - Review

     Absolute top of my unshared theories about Doctor Whale was true! Although during the episode I was faking myself out thinking he might be Oz for some reason... I did quite like how Frankenstein's universe was in black and white. It looked like it was right out of an old, better produced than in those days, movie. That Frankenstein's bother was his monster was strange but interesting.
     Regina's story was somewhat predictable. Of course she's not going to just give up magic and of course it's going to be hard. That Henry was almost killed by zombie-Daniel because Frankenstein was trying to manipulate Regina was nice. Glad for him to actually be part of the plot and not just annoying kid...
     I'm glad Emma's truth-sensing is back to normal. Hook's turning out to be more fun than I thought. Although how they're going to play out his crossing Cora... Jefferson's bit of story was awesome, too. His history with both Regina and Rumple was awesomely put together and well played out.
     Overall, this was another solid episode. I was on the edge of my seat through most of the episode. Can't wait till next week!


Okay so... I'm very much looking forward to watching Arrow and Supernatural tomorrow. Also, I should be getting back on schedule this week. Should, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway... have a nice day and thanks for reading.

Love ya, Jessie. character00137 Free Emoticons   Characters

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