Arrow - "Lone Gunmen" - Initial Reactions
- Now he's got some weird waterfal thing going on? Or is it just raining?
- Sniper...
- Teh sniper beat you to it. Interesting.
- Oh ow.
- Wow, the bullet had something on it. Interesting.
- OW!
Diggle. You funny.
- In your face, Mrs. Queen.
- Science time!
- Nice cover there, Oliver.
- Seriously, Diggle needs to be let in!
- Who says "surfing the net" anymore?
- Seriously, woman, get it together.
- Ya know, this would be a lot less dangerous with a cable holding your ass up off the ground.
- That's what you call good luck?
- You really need to fold the brim of that hat, Olly.
- Hmm... now we see what other connections Olly has.
- Why's Diggle standing there?
- Oh, because he's a security consultant and not just a body guard.
- That's cute, Olly.
- Ouch, Tommy.
- Ouch, Thea.
- Hold it together, Olly. Good boy.
- Or, ya know, not.
- Good on you, Laurel.
- I would say he's gonna die, but since this is a flashback, that would be redundant.
- It wasn't wrong, Tommy.
- I really don't think it did. And neither does Olly.
- Yay instincts.
- Nice little gun there, Deadshot.
- Yay awkward nerd!
- How do you have all that crazy IT gear and not know how to break into a laptop?
- How the hell did she end up bringing home a tiger? Or was that a random thing to get her to get rid of the cat?
- She's a serious nerd. That's awesome.
- Not sure how I feel about Green Arrow pulling Batmans all over the place.
- A party with "entry stairs" wohoo.
- Fail unit 5. Fail.
- That was a crap cover-up, Olly.
- Well this is fun. Nothing like a panic.
- See, there's that cable I was talking about!
- I do like how they did Deadshot's eye-thing. Looks cool.
- Crap, Diggle got shot!
- Black Ops guys on the non-deserted island, the plot thickens.
- Diggle is in on it! W00T!
Tomorrow might bring a pair of blog posts or just one, depending on my mood. I will definitely have initial reactions for The Vampire Diaries and Beauty and the Beast, if nothing else. Hopefully, I'll have a review for tonight's Arrow, but I may not. Haven't decided yet.
Hope you enjoyed reading this. Drop me a comment below or on Twitter.
This episode had me on the edge of my couch! Although I was too busy working on my Halloween costume last night, I didn’t miss out since I set my Hopper to record all the new episodes. It has a 2-terabyte hard drive, so I have more than enough space to record all the shows my heart desires this season. When I watched the new episode this morning I couldn’t believe that Oliver let Digg in on his true identity; I only hope that this goes over well. Some of the people I work with at DISH think that Digg isn’t going to take too kindly to the news, but something tells me that they could actually make a descent team.