Friday, October 7, 2011


An immediate reaction to the newest page of Gaiaonline's story comic: Who names their dog "Grumps"? And Gino's mind is more messed up than mine...

And on the subject of quite odd dreams, I think I'll tell you about of few of mine.... if I can remember a few.

A few nights ago I had a dream in which I was running around Hogwarts with the Marauders. One of them, my bet's on Sirius, pushed me. I fell on my ass, with something of a scissor kick on the way down, like there was ice there... which there shouldn't have been. IRL, my leg had done one of those twitches your body does before you fall asleep. Needless to say, I woke up.

I also keep having random dreams about my mom being missing... which I don't understand because this isn't an active fear of mine. I'm just like "Oh, Mom's gone." In the dreams, I have to launch increasingly weird searches for her. This last one included a dragon that was a cross between Pernese dragons and the Drull from Backyard Monsters... O.o

Love ya, Jessie. character00136 Free Emoticons   Characters

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