I got to babysit a little boy who's the son of a friend of mine, let's go ahead and assign him a little pseudonym... C. I babysat him yesterday and today and he spent most of the time playing with legos. C is 2-ish and likes to a) build really big towers out of the square legos, b) knock down or break your lego masterpiece, and c) throw the legos. He's super cute and mostly really well behaved (ie. throwing legos). And I love him to bits.
Against the Moon by Spotlight Delight
So I've been reading another fanfiction! And it's another really well done Marauders-as-kids-at-Hogwarts one! It's also quite angsty because it's told from a very worried Remus Lupin's point of view. But there are the funny bits, as you would expect out of the Marauders. These particular incarnations of the lovely Marauders are quite a bit different from those in A Conspiracy of Cartographers. For the first off, Remus is super, super worried about anyone finding out he's a werewolf. He does not have a sister. And he let's Sirius run with the whole "Yeah, my parents beat me and that's the excuse I'm going with for my wounds when I return from visiting my mother every month" thing. Which is, quite honestly, annoying. Remus also does not have a close relationship with Lily Evans as he did in CoC... yet... I hope.
I've only finished 33 out of the current 50 chapters, but I'm completely in love with this story. The writing is awesome. The characters are pretty much as they should be, or approximately so. Hogwarts is, as usual, a place full of wonderful things. And Remus' world outside of Hogwarts is a lot more fleshed out than in CoC. The only thing that niggles me a bit, but I can live with, is that Spotlight Delight has said that there will be no Slash. Which means that my favorite couple will not be getting couply... at least, and my reading of this might be wrong, snogging all over the place when they're of age goes. Or I could just be reading that with skewed fangirl vision...
As usual, the different color text for the title and author of the fanfic lead to the story and author's fanfiction.net page respectively.
Love ya, Jessie.

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