Monday, April 8, 2013

The Host - Review


If you have not read or seen The Host, please leave the blog and come back later. The following review includes spoilers for both the movie and the book.

The Host - Review

The Host was an adaptation of the book by the same name. The Host was written by Stephanie Meyer. This should probably be kept at least a little bit in mind while watching the movie. That said, The Host was a pretty awesome movie. I say this having A) read The Host and B) seen The Host and C) being able to separate movie and book in my head.

It's honestly hard to say exactly what the movie's about without really saying anything spoiler-y. The movie follows human host Melanie Strider and the "Soul" who inhabits her, Wanderer/Wanda. Melanie gets essentially side-lined the entire time, being as she's taken over by Wanda the entire time. She's characterized primarily through memories and some through speaking to Wanda. Wanda gets the spotlight.

I really enjoyed this adaptation. It was very well done, cutting out parts from the book that didn't need to be there. It was also a much better adaptation than Twilight. And yes, a better love story than Twilight, just so we get that annoying meme out of the way.

I thought the way they did Melanie speaking to Wanda was awesome. Most of the time, there'll be an image, color, or action a character does to denote "mind-speech." In The Host, Wanda just talked to Melanie and Melanie was essentially a disembodied voice.

I also liked how Ian and Jared were portrayed. They seemed very realistic to me, though their rivalry wasn't as pronounced as it was in the book. At least from what I remember. It's been years since I've read The Host. I thought the visuals were great.

Also, I'm really tired, so I'm just gonna go ahead and stop here. Maybe I'll be back at a later date with more on that. Sorry.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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