Thursday, April 4, 2013

Giant Rage Monsters With Unfinished Business

A Giant Rage Monster Appears!

No No No, The Other Giant Rage Monster.

mad0247 Free Emoticons   Anger

There, That's The Right One

Okay, yeah, that's not exactly giant, but, let's face it, I'm no Hulk.

Why am I a Giant Rage Monster, you might ask? Because The Vampire Diaries tonight is a rerun.

The one time in a couple weeks I manage to be all ready to watch TVD and do Initial Reactions, it's a rerun. For No Discernible Reason! Gah! mad0247 Free Emoticons   Anger

A Wild Spoiler Warning Appears!

Rage Monsters aside, I have managed to watch and review last night's episode of Arrow. So if you haven't seen the episode, please leave the blog and come back later. The following review contains spoilers.

Oh! And there's a Housekeeping section with some announcement-y type stuff in it.

Arrow - "Unfinished Business" - Review

The very end of "Unfinished Business" was really creepy. I did not like the looks on either Merlyn's face. scared0007 Free Scared Emoticons

I really enjoyed the flashbacks this time. Olly's training is much more interesting and doesn't jar as much as they other things have. Not to mention how much I love watching people be confused by Eastern training techniques. As they say, there's method to the madness. Also, I'm glad Olly couldn't completely draw the bow after just a day, or at least it seemed like a day, of water slapping. It takes time to build up that muscle strength.

I'm getting rather tired of Detective Lance hounding Olly and Tommy every other episode. Yes, it usually serves a purpose, but it's getting old. I'm also kind of tired of these super packed episodes. I can't properly get my thoughts about them together in a coherent order because they're all over the place.

I thought the twist on the Vertigo story was fun. I didn't suspect the Doctor until Olly had the thought about The Count never leaving the hospital. Interesting Olly didn't think of that before he got hit 'round the head. Also, wouldn't adding anti-psychotics to Vertigo sort of negate the psychotropic bits of it? I'm not at all up on how the different substances work or interact, but it sounds as if that would be the case. Hmmm... I'd research it, but my mind's numb enough as it is.

Final Batch of Thoughts:
  • Looks like they used a hospital or hospital set from Supernatural episode. At least, the entrance looked really familiar.
  • How has Fyers not found their hideout? It's a giant plane wreck and the island isn't that big, is it? It would make sense to go look for places the annoying pests would hide, right?
  • Diggle doing his own investigating is interesting. Also, who's that Lila chick?


I'm going to Dallas again this weekend. I may or may not get to watch Doctor Who on Saturday. I'm pretty sure that's the only show I'll miss since Once Upon a Time is also on hiatus/showing reruns. mad0247 Free Emoticons   Anger

I might be doing slice-of-life/trip blogs, but I'm not sure, so... yeah. I think that's pretty much it from me for tonight.

Love ya, Giant Rage Monster. mad0247 Free Emoticons   Anger

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