Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm back!

Rejoice, for I have returned! I'm mostly over the sick that was dragging me down last week... hope all my American readers had a great Thanksgiving and possible Black Friday madness. But now, if you have not seen tonight's episode of Once Upon a Time, kindly either skip down to the Housekeeping section or go away entirely. The choice is yours, but SPOILERS abound in tonight's Initial Reactions.

Once Upon a Time - "Into the Deep" - Initial Reactions

  • Oh look, it's Cora, how annoying.
  • Where'd she get a parasol?
  • Lots of flip-flopping there, Hooky.
  • Obvious that wasn't going to work, Hook.
  • Zombie time!
  • She really wasn't lying, that was just not saying anything.
  • Poor Aurora.
  • Regina would be somehwat skeptical.
  • Dun dun dun.
  • Lol, extra pickle-y goodness without dark magic.
  • Lol, close down the diner for a potential cat-fight.
  • Awkward...
  • Yeah really, let her be a little badass.
  • Yay, little cat-fights are fun.
  • It was something very not good was what that was.
  • Bandits?
  • Nice shooting, Snow.
  • Nope, those is some zombies.
  • They stole Aurora...
  • Owwwwwwwww....
  • And now Aurora's in the pit.
  • Heroes do strange things sometimes and Cora knows that.
  • She might have, and manipulation is fun...
  • Your manipulation was super obvious, Cora.
  • Geez, Charming. Also, that's the quietest Henry's been in a while.
  • Hook's rescuing Aurora?
  • Hmmm... I can't help but think about Hook's weirdness.
  • Or spend time standing around talking when there's a TIME ISSUE!
  • Why are we blaming Regina again?
  • Ugh! This ridiculous not using magic crap. Henry's too black and white... oh, but it's okay if she helps people with it. Bah!
  • Pretty curse-potion is pretty.
  • Henry's gonna try to do it anyway, because he's a pest.
  • Spindle!
  • Good job the powder didn't drift.
  • The room with no doors isn't a room, it's the torch.
  • I would've risked Henry, it would have been so much simpler and less risky.
  • Pick up the necklace, stupid.
  • And I'm wrong, as usual.
  • Stop wasting time!
  • I'm pissed off at you. - Snow's totally thinking that.
  • Whoops. Fail.
  • Well now we gotta wait...
  • Except stuff has gone horribly wrong, like everyone knew it would, which is why the plan was stupid.
  • Where's Mulan?
  • Way to not notice, Emma.
  • What is it?
  • And that was super obvious... wohoo...
  • Well that sucks.

After Thoughts

New section I'm starting up that may or may not happen all the time, but I have a little bit of ranting before the review that should be up tomorrow. I predicted the "heart" thing and the "Charming's stuck" thing. Mind you, I thought Cora was going to be the one to grab Aurora's heart, but I still called it! Charming being stuck, well, that was incredibly obvious. You gotta have a kiss OUTSIDE the spell not DURING the spell. Bah!


So, last week while I was sick I did some painting. One of my little sisters, Robyn, is having a baby next month and he will need somewhere to put his clothes. We have this old chifferobe that was mine and Robyn's when we were kids and that's what he'll be using. I'm currently two drawers away from finishing the project to make it match his room/theme. If you're interested in seeing my progress, check out my DeviantArt via the "My Art" link up in the navigation bar. Or click this handy link RIGHT HERE.

I've made the decision NOT to review the episodes of Arrow, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic that I missed/watched later from the week before last/yesterday. Sorry about that. Might get to them later, might not. You just never know.

Meantime, don't forget to comment down below and follow me on Twitter and on DeviantArt, if you like. Don't forget to be awesome!

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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