Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Okay

I'm feeling a little, I dunno, preachy? Inspirational? I don't know, just bear with me.

One of my friends, an old boyfriend actually, posted a clip from Breaking Dawn Part 2 on his Facebook and essentially said he didn't need the context, nor did he want it. I commented that the clip was creepy in context. He took this to mean I'd missed his point to which I said: Not really, I'm just making it seem that way.

I'm not sure exactly why this got me thinking about how it's okay to be yourself or what I want to say to anyone I'm a role model for, but it did. And because I'm thinking about it, I want to write about it. And because this isn't something I think needs to be sitting around on my computer or in a journal, I thought I'd post it here.

Basically, this amounts to a bunch of random thoughts beginning with "It's Okay To" and some other stuff... so... feel free to read, interpret, share, whatever. I do not want hate-mail or whatever from this because that sort of thing is pointless.

It's okay to talk to people.
It's okay to be shy. It's okay to be scared.
It's okay to be a Brony.
It's okay to like Star Wars. It's okay to not like Star Wars.
It's okay to say "no." It's okay to say "yes." It's okay to say "I don't know."
It's okay to like whatever you like, don't let anyone tell you different.
It's okay to be gay. It's okay to be straight. It's okay to be a gay Republican.
It's okay to go against the grain.
It's okay to cry, even if it makes your eyes feel weird.
It's okay to like Twilight. It's okay to like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. It's okay to like Anne Rice. It's okay to like all of these at the same time. My bookshelf once had a Laurel K. Hamilton novel on top of The Twilight Saga next to a bunch of Anne Rice books all on top of various manga and other random books including Buffy, Doctor Who, X-Men comics, and a few sci-fi titles.
It's okay to be crazy. It's okay to be calm.
It's okay not to "lol" when you type "lol."
It's okay to be a nerd. It's okay to be a geek.
It's okay to love animals.
It's okay to have crushes on fictional characters.
It's okay to have tattoos.
It's okay to paint. It's okay to draw. It's okay to write. It's okay to cover your room in posters and paint.
It's okay to grow your hair out or cut it.
It's okay to have stuffed animals when you're an "adult."
It's okay to play games.
It's okay to like TV shows.
It's okay to mix and match.
It's okay to be weird.
It's okay to like food. It's okay to not like food, so long as you try it first.
It's okay to be an "adult" and still be active in the online communities you were when you were a "kid" or a "teenager."
It's okay to be a little bit obsessive.
It's okay to make references only you get. It's awesome if other people get them, too.
It's okay to say something stupid. It's okay to think about it years later and wonder why you said it.
It's okay to lose your train of thought.
It's okay to continue later.
The only thing it's not okay to do is hate, in any form or fashion. Hatred tears people apart, as corny as that sounds. But it's true, so don't do it.

Which basically means I've apparently got all the thoughts out of my head on this subject so... that's it from me.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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