Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Universe Names

So I spent a good chunk of my day typing up writing stuff from last year. That's always kind of... meh... because things have changed in the world I'm writing in. The characters have moved on with their lives and/or decided to do something different than what they were doing. Or else, my mind's little dimensional window has moved on to a slightly different universe. Which then brings me to a question I was sort of thinking of yesterday and more so today: Why don't more authors have a name for the world in which their stories are set?

Even when I was new to writing, I had a name for the world in which I was writing. Back then it was Roteshwa (Row-tea-shwa) and now it's Kintaria. The only other authors I know who actually do this are Science Fiction authors, authors with some kind of crazy fantasy worlds, and Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Everything else just kind of goes by what the series is called. Well, what if your world has multiple stories written in it? Like Karen Chance. She writes a series about Cassie Palmer and a series about Dorina Bassarab. The Wikipedia page has them listed as being into two different worlds/universes/whatever. However, the stories take place in one universe in different parts of the timeline and in different places within the universe. It's hard to reference the universe itself because Karen Chance hasn't named the universe.

I quite like having a name for the universes I'm talking about. I mean, I can talk about Anne McCaffery's Pern and the Pernese people and Pernese dragons. I can talk about Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Nyeusigrube solar and lunar vampires, etc. The entire preternatural community in Nyeusigrube have a name, too: Nyeusi. Yay! I'd like to be able to do this naming thing more often so I don't have to keep writing out the author's names to refer to their universe. It would be especially helpful in terms of talking about different vampires.

That kind of devolved into a bit of a... rant-y thing, didn't it? Oops. ashamed0004 Free Emoticons   Shame But yeah, I think I'll just stop there for the night. Tomorrow: either the first review of 500 Miles or a disection of different types of vampire. Depends on my mood.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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