Wednesday, November 9, 2011

500 Miles, Ruins 2

Hey, look, I read chapters for you guys. scared0011 Free Scared Emoticons I hope you appreciate it.

500 Miles, Ruins 2 by Princess Alexandria
     Okay so, this bit picks up directly after Prologue Christy has run off to Scythe. We get to know Bright Eyes-Christy (hence-forth referred to as Bright Eyes in order to negate confusion) through these next three chapters. We also follow the trial of Kevin Ford/Wither... not actually in detail, but it's an excuse to point out some things about Bright Eyes and about Emma and Scott's relationship.
     Kevin's trial, for those who don't know, happened because when Kevin's powers manifested, he accidently killed his father. In the main 616-universe, Kevin was taken by the FBI and the Hellions tried to go and break him out of "jail" or wherever they had him. In the Ruins universe, Kevin is taken by the FBI, leaving Emma very displeased and Scott basically telling her off for having a different opinion than he does. Scott's on the side of "we'll be more accepted once they see us obeying the law" and Emma's on the side of "that's bullshit, Humans are going to hate us no matter what we do and bringing a kid who couldn't control his power up on charges is crap." We're also introduced to Evangeline "Vange" Whedon, Kevin's attorney, who I'll be detailing a bit later.
     Bright Eyes learns about her powers during this trip to Georgia for Kevin's trial (which Scott declined to attend. I only mention this because it's important). With Emma's help, she discovers why she's been needing more "death energy" lately. Bright Eyes mutates slower than Prologue Christy or Not Myself Christy did, seeing as she didn't have a planet explode around her. So basically, we get some insight as to how Christy's powers would have developed more naturally.
     We also get a more natural/slower progression of the Emma/Christy relationship. I had fun reading this again, especially as Scott basically gets what should have been coming to him in the main universe. I got absolutely giddy rereading the bits that covered Scott's leaving the school, mainly because I'd forgotten about it. These chapters very much highlight how wrong Scott and Emma are for each other.
     There's also a point brought up, by Bright Eyes, about the students. This is touched upon in the main comics, but it's one of those things that sticks in my craw and makes me go: "Yup. That's actually something I would have to change." The point is that having the kids at Xavier's Institute on squads doesn't really make a lot of sense. If you're supposed to be a SCHOOL first and foremost, shouldn't you NOT be training the kids to be superheroes? The kids aren't going to have their squads outside of the school, so teaching them to rely on that squad is ridiculous. In my opinion, Xavier's Institute needs to adopt a more Hogwarts style of splitting kids up rather than the squad system.

Evangeline "Vange" Whedon
     And now to a new section that may or may not get continued... a profile section. If you're like me and not completely versed in who everyone in the Marvel Universe is, then you were probably in the dark about who this "Vange" person was. Looking her up on Wikipedia by the name "Vange" didn't help. However, later in the chapters, we find out her entire name, which made things a lot easier.
     Vange is one of those minor characters who kind of serves a greater purpose in the grand scheme of things. She's a lawyer and a member of the Mutant Rights Coalition who was fired from her job immediately upon being outed as a Mutant. Her power is to shapeshift into a gigantic red dragon upon coming into contact with blood... or voluntarily.
     Vange does not appear to have worked on Kevin's case in the main 616-universe, but did in the Ruins universe.

Housekeeping Stuff
     In the course of writing this blog post, especially when referring to Christy, I've decided that the Prologue Christy will not be referred to as "Demise" seeing as that is her codename and none of the other Christy's adopt "Demise" in 500 Miles. Probably should have figured that out sooner, but there you are. If I refer to Christy as Christy, I'm probably talking about all the different versions collectively... probably. And as usual, the section headings contain links to the fanfiction and author's pages... and Vange's Wiki page.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

PS: For those of you not reading the main blog, I've added a new Journal Post to my Gaiaonline Journal. Link on the main website.

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