Monday, November 14, 2011

500 Miles, Complications 2

I'm back from the weekend, and hopefully I'll actually make sense as I type up my notes on this next section of 500 Miles chapters. I've been cross-stitching some ornaments for my little sister, so that's been taking up a lot of time in the last few days.

500 Miles, Complications 2 by Princess Alexandria

     This section's Christy does not have a nickname/codename, so she's just Christy. This version of Christy has an adverse reaction to having been taken over by Demise. She has a hard time coping initially and it does not help that Miss Astrid Bloom has decided to continue acting like a bitchy jealous girlfriend. As it turns out, Christy discovers that Demise has apparently left behind some sort of mental imprint, mainly expressed in the form of Psychology knowledge. Christy's perturbed by this and at the thought of what else Demise may have inadvertently left behind. Interesting little side note: Bright Eyes having problems with flying has carried over into Complications Christy. Well... it's more of a shared trait, but there you are.

     After Christy leaves Emma Frost and Astrid, Alexandria has sub-divided the chapters into time-line sections. So we're now at 9 months after New York. Michelle's being a right bitch to Christy. Did I mention how much I hate this woman? mad0158 Free Emoticons   Anger There's a small discussion on parallels between Nazi's and the Anti-Mutant movement. Michelle is revealed to be a bit of a bigot. BIG SURPRISE. scared0017 Free Scared Emoticons

     1 year after New York: Christy finds Michelle and Michelle's lover in her bed. Michelle is summarily thrown out. A short time later, Christy calls Steven (one of Demise's tutor-ees) looking for Emma. The pair get talking about business and end up starting one together.

     6 years after New York: Nothing much happened at the two-year mark so we're just skipping over it here. The name of Christy, Steven, and this guy named Phil's business is revealed to be called Altered Realities. During this chunk of chapter, Emma and Christy seem to be invading each others' dreams. Christy uses "dream" Emma as a sounding board, since Emma just seems to be sitting around doing nothing. Marvel Universe time-line-wise, we're about the time Emma places herself in a coma to cope with losing her Hellions. Only, Christy doesn't know that. After one of their dream conversations, Christy is attacked by someone she fired and gets incredibly worried about it. The night of the attack, Emma reveals that she's waking up and Christy feels incredibly alone after that.

     7 years after New York: Christy has become famous due to an interview she gave. She and Emma are reunited at a conference, which was quite interesting. Christy starts to reveal information about Emma's life that she technically shouldn't have known. She and Emma explore this and the reason Christy retains some of Demise's knowledge. Emma had forgotten pretty much everything that went on in her head during her coma-time, and so gets that out of Christy's head. A few months after the conference... or was it weeks? ... Christy isinvited to visit Emma's school and gets to mean Generation X. This part's actually quite funny because Jubilee is trying to get information about Emma out of Christy. This plan, of course, dies a horribly funny death. happy0148 Free Emoticons   Happy Emma and Christy explore more about Demise's left-behind knowledge and how Emma's powers work in relation to Christy's.

     8 years after New York: Moira McTaggert dies and Sean Cassidy leaves Emma's school. Christy is invited to fill the gap he leaves and does. She and Emma later have a conversation about who gets to go to Mutant School and who doesn't. I quite liked this discussion because it always seems like those with basically useless powers get left out of the X-Men universe. Also, it brings to light that Charles Xavier may be poaching those with "useful" or "powerful" powers for the X-Men. It's not right and I very much hate it.

     Then, of course, we get a development in another Emma/Christy couple. It was sweet, but very protracted, which was cool.


     Okay so... I had a look at the website stats over the weekend and I saw that there was something called a bounce-rate. I have no idea what that is, but if it is what I think it is, then Webs in being annoying. I've got a secondary blog-site on Blogger, which you can find HERE. It's basically this, without the rest of the website.

     This next hunk of chapters for 500 miles is... interesting. I haven't reread certain parts of it since... probably never. I did read them to begin with, but they make me somewhat uncomfortable. I'm going to have a go at rereading them this time, but it might take me longer than usual... just a warning.

     Last thing, remember that the links to the chapters reviewed and author's page are in the section headings.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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