Friday, May 3, 2013

The Great Escapist - Review


If you have not seen this week's episode of Supernatural, please leave the blog and return later. The following review will contain spoilers. I'm also going to be discussing a little bit about The Originals and then will be my usual "Housekeeping" section.

Supernatural - "The Great Escapist" - Review

I admit it, I was wrong. Kevin did not go crazy and just up and leave his boat. Crowley somehow managed to break the windows, steal Kevin, and fix everything before Sam and Dean got there.

This week, we had a lot of Crowley "directing" a pair of demons to play Sam and Dean in order to fool Kevin into giving up the location of the second half of the demon tablet. I will admit, I found it amusing when the demons were attempting to play Sam and Dean. They weren't horrible, but, as Crowley put it, they were too polite. Also, Sam and Dean haven't hung out at the boat hardly at all. Why they'd just decide to camp out there would have been beyond me, if I were Kevin. I did think it was quite clever the way Kevin tricked the "Sam" and "Dean" demons into a trap. I think it might have been interesting if, in fact, that's where he hid his half of the tablet. But since that half is pretty superfluous as of right now, we probably won't find out.

I thought Jared did a wonderful job acting sick and delirious. Sam was pretty hilarious in his weakened state. I'm not sure why exactly he'd "resonate" with "The Word" or whatever, but that was interesting, too. The resonating needed to be better explained. That said, I also really loved Metatron. I think it's weird that his name sounds like a Transformer, but he amused me. Yeah, Dean had some good points when he was yelling at Metatron about the hiding thing, but the way Metatron described storytelling was right up there with how I tend to think about it.

Naomi is making me hate her more and more. I would like to better understand her motivations, though. In my mind, there has to be something more to her wanting the tablet than just "Daddy Issues." That said, I thought it was horrifying, but clever, how she got Cas to stop hopping restaurants. It was nice having him back, too. I also thought where he hid the tablet was a) gross, b) clever, and c) uncomfortable.

I'm glad we're jumping back into plot-mode now. I can't wait to see how this "cure a demon" thing works out. It promises to be interesting.

The Vampire Diaries - The Originals Spinoff

Yes, I know, you probably already knew about this. I had no clue "The Originals" was a back-door pilot for The Originals, a Vampire Diaries spin-off. Frankly... I'm not interested.

The Originals is set to feature Klaus as the main character rather than a side character. I hate Klaus. I think I've made this hate pretty darn obvious. I also believe I made my hate for "The Originals" pretty darn obvious.

That said, I'll still probably tune in to watch a few episodes of The Originals before giving it the boot from my watch-list. Ya never know, I might end up liking it. After all, I did enjoy seeing Klaus put in his place by the witches last week. I'll be sure to let you know how that goes, through reviews or comments or something.


I might or might not get last night's episode of The Vampire Diaries watched and review tonight. My possible babysitting thing might get in the way or I might just decide it can wait till tomorrow. If I do get it done tonight, it'll show up in it's own post.

Also, I made an update to the "Welcome/Mission Statement" post. If you'd like to read it, click "Read First" over in the sidebar.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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