Intro/Spoiler Warning
Yeah so I completely forgot I hadn't done this review until I started listening to The Doctor Who Podcast's review. Whoops. Ah well. It's not going to be a proper review anyway... for reasons that will become apparent.
The following review is for Doctor Who, Series/Season 8, Episode 3: "Robot of Sherwood." If you have not seen it, don't read this review because there are spoilers.
Doctor Who - "Robot of Sherwood" - Review
I am normally one of those people who absolutely loves and adores the comedic episodes of Doctor Who. Normally. With "Robot of Sherwood" this was not the case. I did not enjoy the episode so much as I loved the one-liners and random lines that the episode seemed to be comprised of at times. But the episode didn't make much sense to me as a whole.
I think I've discovered another Doctor-like character in Robin Hood. He's been played by multiple actors over the years. He's largely mythologized. Pretty much everyone knows the story of Robin Hood. The last two points even made it into the episode there at the end. However, in my case, I discovered that I've chosen "my" Robin Hood and all others just make me cringe... sort of, anyway. In the same way that Sherlock from "Elementary" rubs me completely the wrong way, this Robin made me want to smack him. So that had some bearing on me not liking "Robot of Sherwood."
Clara was amazing. I loved the fangirling. I loved how she manipulated the Sheriff. I loved how she dealt with Robin and The Doctor. It was awesome. Also, I love that outfit. I do slightly wonder where she found those hair extensions, but I think that speaks more to how much I wasn't paying attention to much of anything else...
Miscellaneous Thoughts
- About the robots: If you need the gold to supposedly shield/power your ship, why are you letting the Sheriff use some of it to create a golden arrow for a petty trap? Also, what does the gold to anyway? Shield the engines or power the ship? That was contradictory. And why are we using peasants for labor when you have robots?
- The Doctor's stubbornness about Robin and the Merry Men was off-putting and rather annoying, actually. I don't get it. The arguing/banter between them was even more annoying, to be honest, even if it was amusing at points.
- Slightly refreshing to not have a ship from the 51st century.
- What is The Promised Land?
Plot Conveniences
- Tons of flat, shiny plate lying around where they're supposedly getting melted down in order to defeat the robots.
- Castle chooses to wait until a) the Robin/Sheriff duel is over and b) everyone is clear of it to fall down.
- Golden arrow shot randomly at the ship manages to boost the power even though it bounces off and is not shot at the engines at all.
- Peasant labor for defeating robots.
"And do people ever punch you in the face when you do that?" - Doctor"I have no sword. I don't need a sword because I am The Doctor and this is my spoon." - Doctor"A Miniscope. Yes. Why not?" - Doctor"I am totally against bantering!" - Doctor"Guard, he's laughing again! You can't keep me locked up with a laughing person!" - Doctor"Quickest way to find your enemy's plans: Get yourself captured." - Doctor"Shut it, Hoodie." - Doctor"It's not a competition about who can die slower." - Clara"Thank you, Prince of Thieves. Last of the Time Lords?" - Clara"Be safe, if you can be, but always be amazing." - Clara"History is a burden. Stories can make us fly." - Robin
What's Up With Jessie
Uhm... so instead of a usual conclusion, I've decided to do a bit of updating.
I've been watching Xena: Warrior Princess lately. It's fun, though I check out during the fight scenes. They're kind of boring after a while.
I've been repainting some ponies, pictures of which I'll be posting over on my DeviantART... which you can find up there where it says "My Art" or just click the link I made just now. Feel free to look around at all my other stuff, while you're there.
Other than that, I've been working my butt off at this full-time job that's supposed to be part-time. I know I shouldn't complain because at least I have a job, but I'd like to go back to working part-time at my part-time job.
Love ya, Jessie