Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hiatus Announcement

Alright, my plans for reviewing everything this Season have come crashing down around my ears completely, especially given this week. I've decided that it's in my best interests to take a break from reviewing things. I'm tired of apologizing for it, and yes, I know I don't have to, but there it is. Due to work and laziness and tiredness and general brain-not-wanting-to-function, reviewing episodes has become a bit of a chore. I'm going to take this break and recharge. Hopefully I'll come back with better reviews and whatnot.

That said, this Saturday I will most likely be putting up reviews for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Doctor Who. Season 4 of MLP starts Saturday morning and the 50th Anniversary Episode of Doctor Who airs Saturday as well. I have the great fortune of being off on Saturday so I'll be able to watch both of these things. I also have very few people with which to express my excitement/views on things so... reviews will probably happen despite my being largely on hiatus.

Also, if I feel like reviewing something, I will. If not, I'm not apologizing for it. I'm currently at least a week behind on a lot of things and I've also got podcasts to listen to. When I say things are crashing around my ears, I really mean it.

Thank you very much for reading my reviews and more blog-y blog posts. I hope you continue on with me, despite my lack of current-ness with my reviews.

Trailers (Because I Feel Like It)

Love ya, Jessie love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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