Bad Teeth
OMG. Was that the WORST "series summary/opening" ever or what? Seriously, the Buffy one was better. However, we're just gonna ignore that and go with this: Was that an awesome season opener or what? We get Mama Grimm (thank you Grimm Podcast), Rosalee and Monroe being cute, an awesome new Wesen, and Renard's brother, all in one episode. I'm in heaven. 

Having been left on a cliff-hanger at the end of last season, I was extremely excited for the conclusion. The Grimm team did not dissapoint. I loved, loved, loved this episode, as if you hadn't guessed that already... 

The Kiss
So... Renard is at least part Hexenbiest. I did not see that coming. I also didn't realize that's what he was until I listened to The Grimm Podcast (I'm only plugging it because it's awesome) so... hindsight = greatness.
I really enjoyed all of the fight scenes, they were awesome. I was amused by all the scenes with Rosalee, Monroe, and Mama Grimm. So Awkward and Hilarious. Mama Grimm is such a bad-ass and so awesome. I really loved her interactions with... everyone. And speaking of "moms," I'm glad Mama Hexenbiest is dead and Juliette is awake. Pretty much predicted the "She's not gonna remember Nick" part so... that's all I've got for this episode.
Bad Moon Rising
This episode is essentially: "Let's mix rednecks, crazy orgy-rituals, and Hank finding out about Wesen." That said... Hank accepted the reality of Wesen really easily, almost too easily. I mean, I like that he knows now, but dude! He thought he was going crazy in the beginning! He was going crazy in the beginning. His easy acceptance reminds me, just a little, of Oz's introduction to the supernatural world. Just a little.
The rest of the episode was really creepy and uncomfortable, much closer to home than I like my TV to be. I didn't find the Coyotls creepy -- they were kinda cute, actually -- but their actions... 

Anyway... I'm loving the season thus far. I can't wait till next week!