Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Past Bride Wore Prologue Black


Ya know how I said I was giving up on those reviews I didn't do last week? Well, I kinda lied. I did them while Defiance was on last night. However, today's just going to be Defiance Reviews and then an Altador Cup Update.


If you have not seen the last two episodes of Defiance, please leave the blog and come back after you've seen them. My reviews always contain spoilers.

Defiance - "The Bride Wore Black" - Review

My big thing this episode was the wedding. I thought it was nice, though I would have liked to see more of it, especially how they blended Castithan and Earth customs. However, I have a niggle about the veil. I completely understand that Christie didn't want to wear the Tilo and her motivations behind that. I liked that Stahma made her a traditional wedding veil to wear instead. My niggle comes in concerning a possible compromise that was missed here. Perhaps if Christie had wore the veil as an actual veil rather than a hairpiece, it would have been seen as more of a blending of traditions rather than something Detak could get uppity about. Yeah, the veil isn't the Tilo, but it could have essentially served the same function.

As for the other events, I'm more interested in the aftermath of what happened rather than what actually took place. We pretty much knew Nicolette was a bad guy. This episode served more to solidify that and to get rid of her. She's dead now so... that line of villainy is over.

It was somewhat interesting to see that Kenya was an abused wife before she became a prostitute. Knowing that didn't really change anything for me except that it made her advice to Christie a bit more interesting. I'm glad she learned from her mistake with Hunter Bell.

I very much liked Rafe in this episode. I like knowing that he's willing to put aside his differences with Castithans in order to make Christie happy.

Defiance - "Past Is Prologue" - Review

Detak's airing of Nolan's dirty laundry reminded me a lot of what's been happening lately with Paula Deen. It also reminds me of how much I hate politics. If people are doing good things now and have essentially paid their dues for what they did in the past, that past should stay in the past. The fact that it never stays buried bugs me a lot. I have no doubt that Nolan has paid his dues for what he did. It's really obvious he doesn't believe as he used to. Irisa is living proof of that. I felt that Nolan made the right choice. I had no idea that Alak's friend was holding a paintball gun until it was obvious to everyone else.

Flipping around from last week's episode, I'm really angry with Rafe. Beating the crap out of anyone, let alone your son-in-law, in order to send a message is barbarically ridiculous.

I thought the weird-machine things what Doc had and was in Irisa were incredibly strange. I hope we get an explanation for them soon. They seemed almost sentient when they began reaching for each other. It was creepy, but really interesting.

Next week looks like it's going to be interesting.

Altador Cup Update

This year saw the fastest turnaround on scores in a couple years. The Altador Cup Prize Shop is now open.

Tyrannia took the cup this year. Altador came in second. Roo Island came third.

Unfortunately, Shenkuu tied with The Lost Desert for 12th place. Hope we have better luck next year or I'm defecting.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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