Arrow - "Vendetta" - Review
I... am not totally sure what I feel about this episode. The notes I took largely concern Helena and her new outfit so... yeah. I did quite enjoy the episode, though. Getting to see one of my favorite characters not looking totally ridiculous on screen was awesome. Getting to see her development, or rather, the boomeranging she did was... interesting to say the least.
I'm glad they didn't let sex totally derail the whole "justice vs revenge" conversation. I'm also glad we got to see the origin of Huntress' crossbow. Hope she keeps that around. Her outfit... mmm... yeah... that outfit's a little weird. It keeps very well to the feel of Olly's and the show's, but... I'm not sure if she's wearing a buttoned/zipped up coat or a weird top with a coat-like flare to the bottom of it. We also didn't get to see much of that purple she apparently loves, which is a downside. I always liked that Huntress had a more colorful costume.
I wasn't fond of Diggle in this episode. He was just all... mean. Like, what happened to actually giving council rather than being a jerk about every word that comes out of his mouth? Meh...
Arrow - "Year's End" - Review
Speaking of Diggle... he was pretty awesome in this episode. Back to being his old self. Though I thought he felt funky coming off the last episode....
But anyway... this episode was fun. We got more backstory. We got John Barrowman in a different outfit. We got Christmas. And it wasn't a hokey Christmas thing either, which I'm happy about. Christmas was just kind of there. I liked that the holiday thing was played just exactly right. More good sap than annoying sap... if that makes sense. Though they did get in the obligatory "But I'm Jewish" joke. Fail, writers, fail. 

I totally called that a) there was a trap in the back story and b) it was Mr. Merlyn being the other archer. I guess I can tell Barrowman at a distance, even with his entire face covered. And of course there was a trap in the back story. Couldn't have ended there with not even close to a year covered. The setup screamed trap. Heh, setup, trap... 

Yeah... I'm planning on watching The Vampire Diaries at some point before CW takes it offline, I really am. I was going to today but then... there were two episodes of Arrow to watch. Gah!