Tuesday, December 6, 2011

500 Miles, Hellfire 1: Chapters 6-8 Review

Just got back from Target, with my sister. Got more stuff for my Mom... again. Everytime I go to Target, I find more stuff for my mom. And it's cheap. But there's a lot of it. There seems to be a bit of a problem here...

500 Miles, Hellfire 1: Chapters 6-8 by Princess Alexandria

     When we last left our perilous heroine, Demise was being rescued from the Hellfire Club by the X-Men. At this point, it's safe to say that Demise is completely disillusioned with Charles Xavier. Not only did he know full well Raven/Desmise was at the Hellfire Club, but he waited at least a week to send anyone to rescue her. I'd be disillusioned, too. In fact, I was. And this was before I'd read the Deadly Genesis trade, where the X-Men find out that Xavier's been messing with their heads for years.

     At some point during the last chapter chunk, Demise and Raven have figured out how to switch who's in control of Raven's body... which I'd forgotten. Demise discovers Raven's artistic talent and is a bit jealous.

     We get a little taste of Xavier erasing memories after Demise tells Kitty what happened to her and Raven. This is later revealed to have happened a lot. Apparently, Xavier's been erasing random bits from people's memories whenever he thinks Raven's told them too much. Demis confronts Xavier about what he did to Tessa and Raven, and also a bit about the memory wiping. This unsettled Xavier, but he doesn't stop being a manipulative bastard. He reminds me of religious nuts using God to back up their actions. Except, Xavier's only got his "grand plan" to back up his actions. This really, really pissed me off. It still pisses me off. I hate people who pervert their religion or ideals to get what they want.

     Demise strikes up a little conversation with Rogue, which is helped along a little by Destiny/Irene Adler's precognative powers. After shoving a box of pictures, sent by Sebastian Shaw, into Xavier's lap, Demise and Rogue slip off to Christmas dinner at Mystique and Irene's. Raven finally decides she's had enough of Xavier's nonsense and quits the X-Men... after giving Xavier a good yelling at. We get Raven's side of her and Tessa's past as she and Demise pick up various things from the hidey-hole Xavier had housed them in.

     Raven and Demise try a hit on Shaw, with help from Mystique and Irene. However, this fails miserably because Raven had forgotten that Tessa would be there. This then leads to some conspiring with Mystique and Irene over Raven leaving the X-Mension altogether. They succeed and go to live with Mystique and Irene for a while. This section started me off on my love-affair with Destiny. Alexandria paints her as such a strong, amusing, gentle woman. I really do love this portrayal and wish she hadn't died in the comics.

     There's an interesting discussion about Emma Frost and the paths Destiny sees for her. Demise wants Emma to have the best future possible, but that can't happen without the devastating death of the Hellions. It's really a no-win situation as far as both paths Destiny sees have to get worse before either can get better.

     Raven attempts to get Tessa to come with her into the special "witness protection" thingy Irene and Mystique are setting up for her. Tessa refuses, leaving Raven devastated. And then Demise leaves the very next day.

     These chapters are really an emotional roller coaster for both Raven and Demise. Demise gets more attached to Raven than to any of her other doubles. Raven leans more on Demise than is really advisable, especially as she knows Demise has to leave. Tessa's refusal to leave with Raven hits a nerve with Demise, especially since she seems to dedicated to bringing down Shaw Xavier's way. It's really heartbreaking to see that Xavier would purposefully leave someone with no one. And it is all Xavier's fault. Every bit. But I'm not going to rant about that...


This was supposed to go up yesterday, but my working on my little sister's Christmas present distracted me. Until I get that done, I may be sporradic with my posts... and what I post about. As always, the link to the fanfiction and the author's page are in the mini-header.

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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