First of all, just let me say that it is really, really hard to get back into the habit of writing in this blog everyday. By the time I remember I'm supposed to do it, it's 11-something and the post won't get posted until after 12AM so... I decide not to. Again, sorry.
But hey, I have a little review for you today. This years... last years... whatever... Doctor Who Christmas special: The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe! I'm not really excited about it. In fact, I was disappointed. This Christmas Special made next to no sense... and the end... I saw that coming miles away. The mother character, she must be insane or something. The father, he was dead for most of the episode... and then wasn't. And then he just shook off her insanity as par-for-the-course. What? The daughter/sister could have been interesting if she'd been given more to do and wasn't so snotty. The son/brother... there's just something wrong there. He bothered me.
The tree people. Well... they lived on Androzani-something-or-other. The mention was nice, but otherwise... they went from being trees to a star-field of some sort. Yeah... that made sense. NOT. But hey, they got saved in the end, so that was sort of okay.
And that's all I've got for that episode of Doctor Who. It didn't make sense. I was disappointed. A Christmas Carol was much, much better.
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