Friday, March 8, 2013

Face Off The Great and Powerful Oz


Please leave the blog if you have not seen tonight's Grimm or Oz the Great and Powerful.

What follows are my initial reactions and a review.

Also, go see Oz the Great and Powerful. You won't regret it.

Grimm - "Face Off" - Initial Reactions

  • Started this about 20 minutes in because I was taking care of my nephew. Reactions up till now: Interesting developments between Juliette and Renard. Interesting looks between Nick and Renard. Nick has actual self control, wonderment.
  • Run Renard, Run.
  • I like that they're putting the pieces together finally.
  • Why does that necessarily mean hell will break loose?
  • Because Monroe, that's how things work.
  • Nick's not in a listening mood, Monroe.
  • Adalind...
  • Life sucks for you, chicka.
  • Poor Juliette.
  • Well that was awkwardly sinister...
  • Yup, Renard's done keeping you safe.
  • Hello horror movie chiche...
  • I kinda like angry Renard.
  • I never liked warm milk.
  • Adalind gets what she wants... we get to see Renard's Hexenbiest face for real...
  • Monroe is funny, Nick looks like a zombie.
  • Yay cuddle Monroe/Rosalee goodness!
  • Happy Adalind is creep-tastic.
  • FINALLY!!!!!!
  • Lol, that was great. Everything ends in death.
  • Well that was a convenient flashback...
  • The cat got hit by a car. It was funny. Not so funny now.
  • Suspicious behavior in a police department is overlooked... Renard gets the key. Joy.
  • Hank's back!
  • That's a cool effect with the blender.
  • So Nick can do the purification thing, too? Interesting.
  • Monroe would write invites to that.
  • You should not have stored it in your desk. That thing should have been on your person, Nick.
  • Hank stalls better than Olly from Arrow.
  • I also kind of like bitchy Juliette.
  • Good boy, Renard, lying to Adalind.
  • Yeah... I so needed another reason to hate her.
  • Things are really ramping up here. I like it.
  • Creepy overgrown cottage...
  • Amazing it was overgrown that fast.
  • Yeah, saw that coming.
  • That's no consolation, Renard.
  • Awkwardness ensues.
  • That's less than last time...
  • Lol, Renard is a bit funny.
  • Explaining things to Juliette before this would have been a smart thing to do, but of course they didn't do that.
  • Dun dun dun, Adalind is pregnant! And seriously creepy about it.

Oz the Great and Powerful - Review

I got to see this movie last night at a "midnight showing" aka 10:00PM for some reason... and I really, really enjoyed Oz the Great and Powerful. There were a few parts that took me out of it, but it was enjoyable overall. I'm gonna just go ahead and talk about the stuff I didn't like and then the stuff I did like.

Stuff I did not like: Theodora. She was the most forced character in the entire movie. I really wanted to like her, because I'm predisposed toward Mila Kunis and Theodora herself in the form of Elphaba from Wicked. However, instead of a strong, sure of herself woman, I was treated to an insanely naive Theodora who very quickly tread on the line of psychotic girlfriend. I thought she wasn't very well characterized and her transformation was seriously sudden and ridiculous. I also had a problem with Evanora for just that reason. Who the hell does that to their little sister? I sometimes hate my little sister, but I would never just up and decide to turn her into the ultimate evil. Seriously?

I kind of liked Evanora's motivations to get rid of Glinda, though. Having all that wealth and power pales in comparison to having beauty, apparently. Though she did have that, just not in the way she wanted it. Turning evil must have been a horrible shock to her.

Stuff I did like: The CG. It was brilliant. Even knowing Finnly and the China Girl were completely CG, I grew attached to them. It was pretty amazing CG. I also liked how the good guys used their wits and clever tech to beat the evil witches. I liked Michelle Williams as Glinda. She was just perfect, though her random loose bang-thing bugged me a bit. And speaking of Michelle Williams, I really enjoyed that she got to be the link between Oz the Great and Powerful and The Wizard of Oz, which was sort of a blink and you miss it moment.

Overall, I quite loved Oz the Great and Powerful. I highly recommend going to see it, or at least picking it up once it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray/Netflix. I think that any fan of Oz is gonna love it.


There have been a lack of updates in the Obelisk War over on Neopets... and that's because it's all Battledome stuff. It's boring. Though it's a good chance for the Neopets Team to get more people into the Beta Battledome...

Anyway... tomorrow, I will hopefully have my review of Grimm up. Hopefully. I did watch the entire episode, I just missed commenting because of a fussy nephew. But yeah... have a good weekend!

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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