Sunday, May 19, 2013

Iron Man 3 - Review


If you have not seen Iron Man 3, or any of the previous Iron Man movies or The Avengers, please leave the blog and come back later. My reviews always contain spoilers.

Iron Man 3 - Review

As usual for Iron Man movies, this was fricking awesome! It was funny, action packed, and full of surprises.

Was I the only one who didn't realize Tony's bodyguard in the beginning Happy? My sister was like: "How could you not know that was Happy?" I dunno what it was, but I didn't recognize him. I didn't realize that was Happy until he reminded Tony of the incident.

I thought Tony's anxiety was nice. He hasn't really had much of a reaction to what's happened to him beyond getting angry and building more suits. I thought Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of anxiety attacks was over the top. But then, I've never actually had an anxiety attack so... what do I know?

I loved Harley. He was an awesome addition to the cast and very much needed. He gave Tony someone to bounce ideas off of, which he needs about as much as The Doctor needs a companion. His rapport with Tony was just amazing. I really enjoyed his character and I'm glad Tony gave him a revamped "lab" at the end.

It was great seeing Pepper get to do some fighting. She's not just a pretty face, which is awesome for a female in a superhero movie. Speaking of females in superhero movies, it's about time we got a believable female villain. Mind you, Maya wasn't exactly the "Big Bad" but she was believable in her role. It was just really nice to see a female villain, dude.

the best part, by far, was the big battle scene. All 42 suit models were brilliant, even though we didn't get to see all of them. The individual suits we got to see used by Tony were awesome. I thought both Tony and Rhodey were awesome in their own rights without the suits. Their chemistry is awesome and their exchanges amused me to no end. I really enjoyed the villains using their powers effectively. And, of course, I really, really loved that Pepper got to ultimately save the day.

Other random bits I liked: Happy loving Downton Abbey, the giant bunny, suit 42, Jarvis, and Tony's 3D crime scene.

Finally, the after-credits bit. Poor, poor Bruce Banner. For the small amount of time Mark Ruffalo was on screen, he stole the spotlight. I loved, loved, loved how flustered her was over being caught sleeping. I loved his total inability to get through to Tony and then how resigned her is when Tony starts up again. I was grinning the entire scene.

Next Up in the Marvel Movie Franchise: The Wolverine. I can't wait!

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

PS: Not sure when exactly I'll have up my "The Name of The Doctor" review... sometime this week, hopefully.


  1. This is the film to kick off the Summer Movie Season and it starts thing off pretty well. Good review Jessie.


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