Monday, January 21, 2013

In the Name of Fluttering On

Okay so... last night, my family decided we all needed to play Scene It Jr. instead of football. This was all well and good except that I missed watching Once Upon a Time last night. Fear not, for I watched it this afternoon. You're only missing out on my thoughts while watching. I also have a review of this week's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, because I really like ponies and because I can. So, if you have not seen last night's episode of Once Upon a Time or Saturday's episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you should be very aware of SPOILERS from this point on.

Once Upon a Time - "In the Name of the Brother" - Review

I had a lot of fun watching this episode. I also had a lot of GAH!s during it.

On the topic of Rumple and Belle, I enjoyed the handling of that. However, I don't think Belle freaking out like she did was necessary. I mean, Gold healed her. Not like he did anything bad to her. I'm sad the "True Love's Kiss" didn't work, though that would have been too easy. I'm also sad about the cup being shattered. That scene was heartbreaking.

Speaking of heartbreaking, Regina and Cora. I think it's completely out of character for Regina just to change her mind like she did. If she's really trying so hard to be worthy of Henry, why would she succumb to Cora's manipulation like that? She just said she was taking Cora and turning her over to Snow, Charming, and Emma, and then she doesn't for no real reason. I wanted to slap her.

I quite liked that Ruby was the one to get through to Frankenstein. The way that part was done was quite sweet, I thought. Not sure I like how the Frankenstein story was handled, but I knew it wasn't going to be like the book from the last Frankenstein episode so I'm gonna just let that go. I did like Rumple in that part, though. He looked very... gold in that outfit with the coloring done and all. On that same note, the way they integrated colored Rumple into grey-scale Frankenstein world was fantastic.

I really think the car-crash guy should be denounced as a crazy person by his wife or whoever. That kind of talk usually gets people locked up for their own good, doesn't it? Regardless, I can't wait to see what happens with that next week.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - "Keep Calm and Flutter On" - Review

It's been a while since I've done a pony-centric review, but I keep thinking about this episode and how fantastic it was... so here's this thing.

First, I would really like to know what Celestia needs Discord's powers for. That was really vague and doesn't really make sense at this point. She just shows up and is like "Oh, reform him for me. He should use his powers for good. Oh, and as a reward, you get to keep the Elements of Harmony with you so you can stop him if he gets out of control again..." Seriously, lady? WTF?

I really appreciate the continuity-filled reactions of the Mane Six to Discord. Yes, compared to Fluttershy, the came off as complete jerks. No, I don't think they should have come off as anything other than complete jerks compared to Fluttershy. In the words of Rainbow Dash "This is Discord we're talking about!" He did almost manage to defeat them the last time and was obviously not repentant at all about it. I'd act like a jerk too.

My only real problem with this episode was Discord's fairly quick turnaround. Yes, I know they had to do it because of time constraints but... gah! It just did not sit right with me. Also, making Discord say "Friendship is magic"? Why? What was the point? It was incredibly corny.

Anyway... I thought this episode was fantastic. It showed that yes, there is continuity beyond random stuff *cough* and Trixie. *cough* It also showed that Fluttershy can get frustrated and angry with people who push her buttons. The character building here was awesome as were all of Discord's antics. Can't wait for new pony on Saturday!


Uhmm... not much here, really. Though I do want to tell you that if you're looking to play Scene It Jr. you should have a good knowledge of the '90s. Like, it was '90s nostalgia fest. The first My Play we got was a Buffy: The Vampire Slayer clip... though the question that came with it was stupid and incredibly obvious assuming you knew it was Buffy... which the entire living room did so... yeah... Does that count as a game review? I dunno... not labeling it as such...

Love ya, Jessie. love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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