Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Into The Deep" - Review

Just gonna jump right into this and not put in a separating header until the Housekeeping section so... SPOILER WARNING if you haven't seen this week's episode of Once Upon a Time.

I really enjoyed this episode despite it being, as I said Sunday night, really predictable. I did not believe Hook when he told Aurora he was rescuing her, I thought he was going to double cross her, which he essentially did. I knew Charming was going to get stuck in the dream/curse, that was obvious. I figured Henry was going to go to sleep even as Charming was going in... but that didn't happen, which I liked. Henry's being less of an annoying snot than he usually is, which is good.

However, Henry's view on magic is driving me nuts. "Oh magic is bad, but if you're using it to help people, that's okay." Gah! He needs to get off Regina's back about it. If she's truly on the path to redemption she'll do it however she does it whether he likes it or not. Meaning: let the woman use the damn magic already and stop being a judgmental little jerk. Regina was cool during this episode. I like how her character has changed and I think I like where she's going.

I liked Aurora's character a lot in the episode. She was more selfless than she has been and I liked that she'd been planning to go to Storybrooke with Emma and Snow. I really liked her telling Cora off about Phillip. She's been grieving in her own way, that much is obvious. I'm sad that Cora's got her heart now, though. That's going to be heart-wrenching (excuse the pun) when Emma, Snow, and Mulan find out.

Speaking of Mulan, I really wanted to slap her. She seriously thought Emma and Snow were just going to let Aurora stay in Cora's grasp? Really? Has she not been around them since they landed in Fairytale Land? Has she not seen how ridiculously unselfish they are? The fuck, Mulan? Seriously? On another note concerning this... I'm totally shipping Aurora/Mulan. Mulan's actions are more than just a debt to Phillip, I just know it.

All together, this episode was stellar for something so predictable. The character moments were good, everyone was on top form. The only thing (other than Henry) that I'm getting tired of is Snow and Charming and their "You found me. No, you found me. We'll always find each other." shctick.


Okay so... it's officially the Holiday season and all the shows are either wrapped up or are wrapping up until January. This means I'll have less to blog about... unless you'd like reviews on old TV shows, which I doubt so... I'm going to be cutting back. Instead of Initial Reactions for any remaining episodes of things, I'll just have the reviews. I'm also going to be blogging only a couple days a week for the remainder of the year.

Upcoming Stuff

  • The Hobbit Review - Review of the movie after I see it. I'm not a huge Lord of the Rings fan so... yeah.
  • My nephew's due next month so there's that.
  • Neopets is starting their annual Advent Calendar in three days.
  • Christmas... which I probably won't blog on, but it's there anyway.
  • Holiday shopping
  • Me talking about random stuff because I started a list and don't know how to end it...ashamed Free Emoticons   Shame
Love ya, Jessie love0052 Free Emoticons   Love

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